Betsy Wade was a travel columnist for the New York Times for 14 years. Here are her top tips for great trips.
- Carry two credit cards separately. If one is stolen and the account is frozen, you can still feed and house yourself.
- Don't pack more than you can lug up two flights of stairs.
- Airline pillowcases usually aren't changed every flight. If this bothers you, bring your own.
- Unless you're going to the tropics, pack gloves: Hands get cold on the most unexpected dates.
- The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers has a directory of English-speaking doctors overseas who make office and hotel calls. For details: The US phone number is 716-754-4883. Website:
- ATMs and computer systems can fail, so keep some cash on you. A faxed confirmation gets you into a hotel if the reservation system fails.
- Bring film and spare camera batteries. Shopping for a special size where you don't speak the language is hard.
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