Want to keep your home from being invaded by roaches, ants and termites? Here's how:
- Trim back tree branches that overhang your roof. Many insects gain access to homes from tree limbs, and work their way in through small opening and vents.
- Keep leaves and other dead plant material 15 to 30 cms away from your home's outer walls. They retain moisture and attract pests.
- Look for tiny gaps around windows, at joints and corners, and between door-frames. Insects can easily squeeze through. If you see activity, spray insecticide into the cracks, let dry, and then close with a household seal. Even otherwie, just seal off cracks and gaps.
- Watch for insulation or sawdust-like debris around the house, in attics and in crawl spaces -- a possible sign that ants or termites are tunnelling through. Remove moisture sources and replace rotted wood or boards immediately.
- Call a pest-control company if you need to.
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