Get your social networking and other Web 2.0 profiles in one place - HashOut

Get your social networking and other Web 2.0 profiles in one place

ShowYourself, Social Networking & Web 2.0 Aggregator WidgetAnd share them with friends, family, relatives & colleagues on your blog, web site and MySpace using Aggregator Widgets.

I had earlier mentioned about the Wink Widget which helps you organize a list of links to your profiles on various social networks in one place. However, it has some shortcomings.

  1. First off, you have to sign up on to use the Wink widget.
  2. It is pretty complicated and takes time to get it up and running.
  3. It does not let you add profiles from services other than the default ones on the list.
  4. It's a "blatant Wink advertisement" - Paul Stamatiou
  5. Since it is hosted on the Wink server, its sluggish and sometimes slows down the performance of your web page / blog and if the Wink server goes down, so does your widget.

In order to overcome these shortcomings, Dustin Bachrach created a simple CSS/HTML widget, ShowYourself.

  1. It has 25 default built-in Web 2.0 sites/services/networks and also gives you the flexibility to add ones not on the list, the ajax function automatically fetches the favicon image for the sites not on the default list.
  2. The widget automatically displays a logo beside your AIM and Skype profiles indicating whether you are online or not.
  3. It uses plain CSS & HTML, no hosting required.
  4. Lets you customize the colors.
  5. The favicon (logo) images can be hosted on your own web server.
  6. There is no need to sign up for anything to use the service.
  7. There are no advertisements. You just need to leave a link back to the ShowYourself web site.
  8. Its free!

Get yourself ShowYourself now!

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